Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Durango::Skill::Event::Anti-Bleeding Agent


"Make an anti-bleeding agent that continuously restores Life."

Max Level      : Lv. 80
Skill Category: -
Workbench     : Cooking Fire Lv. 19
Materials         :
  1. 2x Flower Lv. 20
  2. 1x Leaf Lv. 20
Tool                 :
  1. 1x Pot Lv. 15
    • Attribute: Pot


  1. There is no actual skill category to make this anti-bleeding agent so therefore impossible to create.

    1. Exactly... i've too came here because the inability of doing the task... any ideas?

    2. Ok, i've figured that out. You have to take a look at your character and click Crafting Power and there you'll have to have the Cooking Abiliy raised to 113 (by eating Bacon :) )
      And you'll then be able to craft the Antibleeding Agent
      (it will show as an option to craft, in the crafting menu)

    3. That is correct.. this skill originaly from event skill... on update become permanent skill on cooking abilty... I should move this skill too cooking skill ability
